Friday, 9 February 2018

Thanks With A Goodbye

It has been years now, but I find myself getting to know you even more now, may be because your true colors revealed themselves slowly to me! You needn't bother yourself thinking about how well we went together because I won't be asking anybody anything!!
I've found my way out of the hell you created for me and you've found yours, so does it matter?

As I write this down, I still wonder if I'm doing it right, do you deserve a real formal goodbye. Should I really be crying over investing the biggest piece of me in someone so heartless or should I thank myself that it all ended well without me suffering my whole life or dying unnaturally and unknown? I still wonder if I have any words to say and return all your ill will. I guess yes, and here goes the thank you-

“Thank you for listening to me, being my dump bag for all my feelings and secrets! Thank you for taking me at my best and ditching me at my worst, you were of no good I must say! Thank you for taking me for granted and making me your pass time! Thank you for calling me whenever you needed to put something off! Thank you for calling me unfit and leaving me alone in a crowd! Thank you for putting me to a stop when I was feeling low and then making it worse with a nasty rude shallow comment! Thank you for dismissing all my achievements and things that could make me proud and thank you for showing up for all that you promised you'd never be! Thank you for showing me your ego and attitude only because you could find nobody but me who could take it any better! Thank you for giving me a totally amplified emotional ride all the time, making me laugh at one instant and cry at the next! Thank you for tossing all your left over love and care at me like you'd do to a beggar whenever you wanted to clean your space! Thank you for calling me all that could make me feel good for nothing, fit for nothing and go-die- coward! Thank you for splitting me off of my friends only because they warned me of the company I was in! Thank you for making me cry more than you could make me laugh! Thank you for pretending to be the best shoulder when all you were was a damn stake with a killer nail! Thank you for forcing yourself into that special list for those special people in my life just to prove how differently you could lie and ditch and cheat on people! Thank you for all your efforts to make my life as worse as it could be! Thank you for leaving me alone all those nights and days I spent without food and sleep! Thank you for all the tricks you played and for all the sly smiles you gave! Thank you for cheating on me and making me realize I deserved better. Thank you for betraying me and letting me know not all are trust worthy. Thank you for trying to ruin my life and then failing at your own attempt. Thank you for showing me your true colors
before it was too late.

People aren't worth forgiving if all they can do is apologize! There are people who ask for a second chance and then ditch before the next blink! So, I'd like to thank you for spoiling all my memories, wonderful memories, make me hate a whole city, a  wonderful city, and making my life so bitter in a single year that I'm left praying to God not to make me relive it ever again! After all the above, I thank you for all the fake you!

I doubt if I'll ever be able to break up with this strange silent social society that we've created for ourselves. I think it's time to bid adieu, so here's your goodbye.
Click on the image to read about the interview and more!